Speed checks

Das Bild zeigt Polizeibeamte bei Geschwindigkeitsmessungen.
Speed checks
Important information about the radar measuring points:
LR Olpe

From Monday (December 4th), the Olpe police will stop publishing the speed camera measuring points. For many years, the planned measuring points were communicated to the public and the media via their own website, Twitter and Facebook. However, the announcement of monitoring campaigns proved to be ineffective.

Police speed enforcement will of course continue to take place in full in the future, but now generally unannounced. The focus here is particularly on locations where vulnerable road users - such as children - are at risk. In addition to monitoring speed - which continues to be the number one cause of accidents - the police are also focusing in particular on the main causes of accidents involving alcohol and drugs as well as the misuse of electronic devices. Illegal behavior is consistently punished with a zero-tolerance strategy.


To the topic page Road safety work

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110