Weapons licenses

Asserved weapons
Weapons licenses
Here you will find information on firearms law and firearms licenses.
LR Olpe

The ZA 1/2.1 department of the district police authority has a wide range of tasks in the area of permits and controls in the field of weapons law.

In the area of responsibility of the Olpe district police authority, around 2300 gun owners have registered and officially registered almost 13000 firearms.

In particular, the regular inspection of around 115 shooting ranges, the inspection of shooting sports clubs and local gun dealers, as well as the issuing of firearms licenses and the regular inspection of these license holders, are the main focus of the firearms law work rate (information on this can be found here: https://redaktion-olpe.polizei.nrw/presse/ueberpruefung-der-waffenaufbewahrung-vor-ort-kontrollen-auch-unangekuendigt).

The responsible employees issue permits in accordance with the Weapons Act or withdraw them if the requirements are no longer met. The officers can also issue general weapons bans and prosecute administrative offenses under weapons law.

If you have any questions about weapons law or would like to register or hand in a weapon, please contact the department ZA 1/2.1.

The contact details can be found in the right-hand column under Contacts.

Further information can be found on the nationwide information page: https://polizei.nrw/waffenrecht-3

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110