In North Rhine-Westphalia, the district police authorities are the assembly authorities.
The Olpe district police authority is the competent approval authority within the meaning of Article 8 of the Basic Law and the resulting Assembly Act for public assemblies that take place on the territory of the Olpe district.
Article 8 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany regulates the basic freedom of assembly, which is explained in more detail, supplemented or restricted by the Assembly Act.
Open-air assemblies and processions must always be announced at least 48 hours in advance (e.g. via the press/internet).
The GE Directorate and the ZA 1/2.1 department of the Olpe district police authority process notifications of assemblies and issue the so-called notification confirmations.
Outside normal office hours or at weekends, please contact the Olpe police control center directly by calling 02761 9269-2550, faxing 02761 9269-2590 or by emailing leitstelle.olpe [at] (leitstelle[dot]olpe[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de).
The police will advise you as an assembly notifier on the details of the assembly. In the event of ambiguities or more extensive planning requirements, the police will invite you to a cooperation meeting in which ambiguities can be resolved together and any problems solved.
Depending on the type and scope of your assembly, you must expect conditions to be imposed, such as the provision of security personnel to ensure order and security within the assembly. The assembly can also be banned or dissolved if, according to the apparent circumstances, public safety or order is directly endangered during the assembly.
Further information on assembly law can be found on our state pages.