Home burglary radar in the Olpe district

Einbruch in Wohnung
Home burglary radar in the Olpe district
Presentation of the current crime scenes in the Olpe district
LR Olpe

Here, the Olpe district police authority informs you about the current development of domestic burglaries in the district. The maps of the residential burglary radar are updated every Friday and document the residential burglaries of the previous three weeks. The current maps are available on this website both as a pdf document on the right-hand side and as an image at the bottom.

For reasons of data protection, the street names and house numbers are not indicated.

"Secure your own home, be alert in your surroundings, call the emergency number "110"!"


Why is there a home burglary radar? Find out here!
  • Our home burglary radar is designed to help you assess the security of your direct and indirect living environment. This assessment can guide you in deciding whether and to what extent you personally increase the security of your home.
  • Our home burglary radar is also intended to sensitize you to observe your living environment more attentively and to report suspicious perceptions to the police immediately by calling "110".
  • The home radar is also intended to help you to compare conspicuous perceptions in recent days with the residential burglary incidents in your living environment. If you have made observations that seem suspicious in connection with a burglary in the last few days, call the police.




Free advice on burglary protection can be obtained from your Olpe police department by calling 02761-9269-6131. Our Prevention Department will be happy to arrange an appointment with you.

You can access the maps with the crime scenes of the last few weeks by clicking on the documents on the right-hand side. The files are updated every Friday.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110