Cooperation agreement in the service dog sector

Das Bild zeigt zwei Polizeibeamte bei der Ausbildung eines Diensthundes.
Cooperation agreement in the service dog sector
Service dog handlers from the districts of MK, HSK, Siegen-Wittgenstein and Olpe are officially working even more closely together.
LR Olpe / Stephan Ommer

On Tuesday, 9 May 2017, the four heads of department of the district police authorities of Märkischer Kreis, Olpe, Siegen-Wittgenstein and Hochsauerlandkreis signed the cooperation agreement for the area of service dogs in Balve.


With this merger, the service dog handlers of the four districts want to work even more closely together.

Duty matters such as the purchase of new dogs, the necessary training materials, upcoming business trips and the performance reports to be produced will now be agreed and coordinated with each other.

The police department heads and the service dog handlers are positive about this cooperation and hope for an even closer and more trusting relationship in all areas relevant to service dogs.

The tenor of the protagonists involved: there are no limits to the support police officers from the four districts can provide to each other through their service dog handlers with service dogs, because the common goal is and remains the arrest of potential criminals.

During the press conference to mark the signing of the contract, the service dog handlers from the four district police authorities demonstrated their skills to the press representatives present at a dog training area near Balve.

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