More protection for cyclists

Grünpfeil und Halteverbot auf Fahrradschutzstreifen
More protection for cyclists
The new rules of the German Road Traffic Act (StVO) will apply from April 28, 2020 and will particularly strengthen vulnerable road users.

The amendment to the StVO creates more protection for cyclists and advantages for car sharing and electrically powered vehicles. And from now on, anyone who blocks the emergency lane will be punished more severely.


The new rules in detail


Riding side by side with bicycles

A new version of the existing regulation clarifies that cyclists are generally permitted to ride side by side. Only if other road users are obstructed must they ride behind each other.

Minimum overtaking distance for motor vehicles

A minimum overtaking distance of 1.5 m in urban areas and 2 m outside urban areas is stipulated for motor vehicles when overtaking pedestrians, cyclists and drivers of small electric vehicles. Previously, the StVO only stipulated a "sufficient lateral distance".

Speeding for motor vehicles over 3.5 t turning right in urban areas

For reasons of road safety, vehicles over 3.5 t turning right must drive at walking speed (4 km/h to 7 km/h, max. 11 km/h) in urban areas. Violations can be penalized with a fine of 70 euros. In addition, one point will be entered in the driving aptitude register.

Passenger transportation on bicycles

Passengers may be carried on bicycles if the bicycles are built and equipped to carry passengers and the rider is at least 16 years old.

Green arrow exclusively for cyclists

The amendment to the StVO extends the existing green arrow regulation to cyclists who want to turn right out of a cycle lane or constructed cycle path. In addition, a separate green arrow will be introduced for cyclists alone.

General ban on stopping on hard shoulders

Protection lanes for cyclists separate bicycle and car traffic with a dashed white line (sign 340 of the German Road Traffic Regulations). Although cars are not allowed to park there, they are still allowed to stop for up to three minutes. In many cases, this means that cyclists are unable to use the protected lanes continuously because they are blocked by stopping cars. A general stopping ban is therefore being introduced there.

Establishment of bicycle zones

In future, it will also be possible to set up bicycle zones similar to 30 km/h zones. The regulation is based on the rules for bicycle lanes: A maximum speed of 30 km/h applies for driving traffic. Cyclists must not be endangered or hindered. Small electric vehicles will also be allowed to drive here. The road traffic authorities will be able to order bicycle zones under simplified conditions.

Extension of the parking ban in front of junctions and intersections

The aim is to improve visibility between the road and cycle path and thus increase safety, especially for cyclists. Parking in front of junctions and intersections is therefore prohibited at a distance of up to 8 meters from the intersection of the road edges if there is a cycle path alongside the road.

Simplification for cargo bikes

In order to be able to provide parking spaces and loading zones specifically for cargo bikes, we are introducing a special "cargo bike" symbol that can be used by the relevant road traffic authorities.

Traffic signs for cycle highways

The traffic sign "Radschnellweg" is to be included in the StVO to make it possible to mark cycle highways regardless of the condition of the road surface, e.g. on sandy ground.

Overtaking ban for single-lane vehicles

The road traffic authorities can order a ban on overtaking single-lane and multi-lane vehicles (including bicycles) for multi-lane motor vehicles, e.g. at bottlenecks. A new traffic sign will be introduced for this purpose.

Increased opening of one-way streets for cyclists traveling in the opposite direction

As part of an overall revision of the General Administrative Regulation on the Road Traffic Regulations in 2020, the responsible road traffic authorities are to be called upon to examine the possibility of opening one-way streets in the opposite direction for cyclists. The aim is to increase the number of one-way streets that are open in the opposite direction.

You can find an overview of all changes here.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110