Crime prevention in the Olpe district
Crime prevention is a task for society as a whole: in addition to the police, other governmental and non-governmental bodies must also take responsibility for this. On this page you will find information and tips on how you can protect yourself from crime.
The experience of becoming a victim of crime is deeply engraved in people's minds, sometimes with lasting consequences: The crime prevention staff want to help ensure that citizens do not have to have "unpleasant" experiences, but instead develop an "eye" in advance for how they can best protect themselves and their property.
From us and on this page, you can obtain comprehensive crime prevention information and behavioral recommendations free of charge, in particular on the following topics:
- Computer and internet crime
- Theft/robbery/fraud
- Drug prevention
- Burglary protection
- Violence prevention
- Police protection of minors/juvenile delinquency
- Security for senior citizens
- Victim protection and victim support
- Sex prevention
Kriminalhauptkommissar Michael Meinerzhagen informiert und berät Sie in allen Fragen der Kriminalitätsvorbeugung.
Here you will find monthly updated information on developments in selected crime areas
Presentation of the current crime scenes in the Olpe district
Why the uncontrolled dissemination of warnings is not necessarily sensible. How do the police react to such reports?
Seit Anfang 2018 beobachtet die Polizei in Nordrhein-Westfalen wieder vermehrt Fallzahlen zum Phänomen "Falscher Polizist am Telefon". Die Täter manipulieren massiv ihre meist willkürlich ausgesuchten Opfer, so dass diese ihnen hohe Geldbeträge aushändigen.
Here are tips on how you can protect yourself from losing your cell phone through correct behavior and technical protection.
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