The district service in the Olpe police station area

BD PW olpe
The district service in the Olpe police station area
Being the first point of contact for local citizens: This is the main task of the twelve district officers of the Olpe district police authority.

New faces of the district service in the Olpe district

The district service officers are responsible for policing “their” districts. Their tasks include, in particular, maintaining contact with citizens, groups, institutions and organizations as well as monitoring high-risk areas, locations, objects and facilities.

The district officers are also involved in road safety work, combating crime, prevention concepts, consultation procedures with local authorities and participation in site visits within their area of responsibility. When carrying out police duties at public events, they are on hand as the face of their authority. There have been personnel changes at Olpe police station in recent weeks. Since the beginning of October, Klaus Dornseifer has strengthened the team of the district service. Together with the experienced district officer Frank Reichmann, he is now responsible for the area of the town of Olpe. At the same time, Christoph Weingarten also took up his duties as a district officer in Wenden. Here he supports his colleague Andreas Westhoff in his work in the municipality of Wenden. The Drolshagen area is still in the experienced hands of Klaus Schmidt.

The district service officers are open to the concerns of citizens and are happy to answer any questions and provide further information. The responsibilities of the respective district officers are

Bezirksdienst Drolshagen
Polizeiwache Drolshagen Annostraße 4 57489 Drolshagen 02761-979-077
Bezirksdienst Olpe
Polizeihauptwache Olpe Kortemickestraße 2 57462 Olpe Telefon 02761-9269-5151 Email:
Polizeihauptwache Olpe Kortemickestraße 2 57462 Olpe Telefon 02761-9269-5151 Email:
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